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July 16, 2022

Advanced Strategies for Building Editorial Links

In the ever-evolving world of SEO, building strong editorial links is a crucial factor in boosting your website's search engine rankings and overall online presence. As experts strive to uncover new tactics, 2023 brings a wealth of advanced strategies that can enhance your link-building efforts like never before.

In this guide we'll delve into these innovative strategies, from outreach campaigns and broken link building to the skyscraper technique and beyond.

Importance Of Editorial Links For SEO

Editorial links are natural and earned backlinks from other websites that mention your content, which are highly valued by search engines as they indicate the quality and relevance of your website, resulting in higher rankings and increased organic traffic.

Definition Of Editorial Links

Editorial links, often considered the gold standard in search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, are hyperlinks that webmasters and content creators naturally embed within their online content to reference a valuable external resource or source.

These backlinks are particularly prized because they're earned by virtue of the quality and usefulness of your site's content rather than through manipulative or paid tactics typically associated with link building.

As an example, suppose you've published a comprehensive blog post about advanced SEO strategies for 2023. A fellow digital marketer might find your article so useful and informative that they decide to provide a link back to it from their own website as further reading for their audience.

Benefits Of Editorial Links For Website Ranking And Traffic

Editorial links are highly sought after as they provide immense benefits to a business's SEO efforts. Editorial links, also known as natural or organic backlinks, are links that appear within the content of another website without being paid for or exchanged.

One significant benefit of editorial links is their ability to boost search engine rankings and drive organic traffic to your website. When high-quality websites link back to your site, search engines recognize this and consider it a vote of confidence.

This increases your domain authority and page rank which eventually results in higher visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Different Types Of Link Building Strategies

Discover the different types of effective link building strategies such as outreach, broken link building, and guest blogging to boost your website's ranking and traffic.


Outreach is a popular link building strategy that involves reaching out to other websites and requesting a link to your content. This can include everything from guest blogging and expert roundups to product reviews and sponsored posts.

One example of successful outreach campaigns are those done by Neil Patel for his blog QuickSprout. He built relationships with publishers over time by providing useful insights on topics related to online marketing, which helped him get guest posts published on popular blogs such as Forbes and TechCrunch.

Broken Link Building

Broken link building is an effective strategy to build high-quality links that direct to your website. This tactic involves identifying broken links on other websites and reaching out to the site's owner or webmaster to suggest replacing the missing content with a link from your own site.

By doing this, you are not only helping them fix their website but also creating an opportunity for yourself by acquiring a valuable backlink. Broken link building can be done through manual research or with the help of tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush, which enable you to find broken links based on relevant search queries.

Unlinked Brand Mentions

Unlinked brand mentions are a great opportunity for building editorial links. These are instances where your brand or company is mentioned on another website, but there is no link to your site.

Identifying and reaching out to these websites can result in gaining valuable backlinks that help boost SEO and drive traffic to your site.

When you find an unlinked mention, reach out to the website owner with a friendly email requesting a backlink. You can provide them with the exact URL of the page where they mentioned your brand and politely ask if they would be willing to add a link as well.

Resource Link Building

Another effective and advanced strategy for building editorial links is resource link building. In this tactic, websites create valuable resources such as infographics or guides that other websites may want to link to.

This can be done by researching popular topics in the industry or identifying gaps in existing resources.

For example, a company in the fitness industry could create an ultimate guide to training for a marathon. This comprehensive and informative piece would provide value to readers and likely result in backlinks from fitness blogs or running publications looking for quality resources on the topic.

Competitor Link Analysis

Competitor link analysis is a crucial component of advanced link building strategies. By analyzing the links that your competitors are using, you can identify opportunities for valuable backlinks to improve your website's ranking and traffic.

For example, if one of your competitors has high-quality links from industry-relevant publications or authoritative sources in their niche market, it might be worth trying to acquire similar links for your own website.

Utilizing tools such as Ahrefs or Majestic SEO can help with this process by enabling you to track the performance of specific domains over time while conducting thorough research on how they obtain important editorial links.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a tried and tested link building strategy that has been used by many businesses to build high-quality backlinks. This technique involves creating content for other websites within your industry, thereby placing your brand in front of new audiences while building links back to your website.

One important aspect of guest blogging is finding the right websites to target. You should identify relevant blogs where you can share useful information and insights with their readership.

To do this, conduct research on industry-specific publications or use tools like Google Keyword Planner or BuzzSumo to identify popular topics with high traffic potential.

As an SEO specialist looking for advanced link building strategies, it's essential to consider powerful tactics such as guest blogging as part of a comprehensive plan that focuses on natural link acquisition strategies using white hat techniques only.

Expert Roundups

Expert roundups bring together a group of experts in a particular field to share their insights on a specific topic. This type of content provides value to readers by offering different perspectives and opinions from credible sources.

To execute an expert roundup successfully, it is important to identify and reach out to reputable professionals within the niche area of interest. The more well-known and established they are in their respective fields, the better chances they have at attracting traffic to your website when they share your content with their followers or audiences.

Infographic Outreach

Infographic outreach is an effective strategy for building editorial links. This involves creating visually appealing infographics that provide valuable information and then reaching out to other websites to share them.

To make this strategy work, it's important to create high-quality infographics that resonate with your target audience. You also need a solid outreach plan in place, which may involve identifying relevant websites or bloggers who might be interested in sharing your infographic.

By providing something of value upfront, you increase the likelihood of receiving a link back from a reputable source.

Social Media Link Building

Social media platforms are a powerful tool for building editorial links. By utilizing social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn in your link building strategy, businesses can generate valuable backlinks from authoritative sources.

One way to leverage social media is by identifying influencers within your niche and reaching out to them with personalized messages.

Another tactic is to post shareable content on social media channels that will naturally attract links. This could be anything from infographics and videos to blog posts or whitepapers.

When posting content on social media, it's also important to optimize your posts with keywords and hashtags relevant to the topic at hand.

Important things to consider:

- Social media platforms are a great place for businesses that want high-quality editorial links.

- Building close relationships with the right influencers in your niche can lead you towards better search ranking results.

- Creating share-worthy items helps encourage others organically reposting or linking back as well.

- Strategic keyword research ensures visibility among potential connections through tags/hashtags/posts or bio usage etc.

Advanced Strategies For Building Editorial Links

Learn how to conduct original research, leverage social media and influencers, utilize HARO (Help a Reporter Out), and employ the Moving Man Method for advanced editorial link building.

Creating High-quality And Shareable Content

One of the most important factors in building editorial links is creating high-quality and shareable content. This means publishing informative, engaging, and relevant articles that resonate with your target audience.

By providing value to readers, you can attract natural backlinks from reputable sources.

To make your content shareable and link-worthy, consider incorporating visual elements such as infographics and videos. These types of media tend to generate more social shares than text-only posts.

Try to focus on evergreen topics that are relevant for years to come rather than trendy or time-sensitive ones that quickly become outdated.

Furthermore, don't be afraid to get creative with your content format by experimenting with various mediums such as podcasts or interactive tools like quizzes or calculators.

Building Relationships With Niche Publications And Websites

Building relationships with niche publications and websites is an advanced strategy for building editorial links. By reaching out to websites and blogs that are relevant to your industry, you can increase the likelihood of acquiring high-quality backlinks that will improve your website's visibility on search engine results pages.

You can start by creating a list of target publications and conducting research to understand their content and audience.

For example, if your business sells vegan products, partnering with a popular vegan blogger could be beneficial in terms of generating traffic and boosting credibility. Most importantly, when building relationships with niche publications and websites always prioritize quality over quantity.

It is better to secure one valuable link from an authoritative source than several lower-quality links from irrelevant sites.

Leveraging Social Media And Influencers

Another advanced strategy for building editorial links is to leverage social media and influencers. With the rise of social media platforms, businesses can reach out to influencers in their niche on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook to gain exposure and build high-quality backlinks.

Companies could collaborate with an influencer by sponsoring a post that features their product or service while including a link back to their website.

It's important for SEO specialists to analyze various key performance indicators (KPIs) of these influencer partnerships' outcomes. Metrics like referring domains count, page authority score improvement & traffic report are essential elements in measuring success when leveraging social media through influencers outreach.

Conducting Original Research

An effective way to build editorial links is through conducting original research. This involves researching a topic, gathering data and insights, and presenting it in a unique and valuable way that other websites will want to link to.

For example, let's say you run an e-commerce business selling eco-friendly products. Conducting original research on the impact of plastic waste on the environment could provide insightful data for other publications to cite and link back to your website.

Creating visually compelling graphics or charts based on your findings can further increase the likelihood of it being shared and linked back to by other websites.

Utilizing HARO (Help A Reporter Out)

HARO (Help a Reporter Out) is a free online platform that helps journalists and reporters find sources for their stories. It also presents an excellent opportunity for businesses to build editorial links by offering their expertise in relevant industries.

By signing up as a source on HARO, companies can respond to queries from journalists seeking quotes, opinions or information for their articles.

This strategy is effective because it allows businesses to showcase their expertise while building relationships and earning editorial links from reputable publications. Furthermore, utilizing HARO enables companies to stay updated on trends and topics related to their industry, which can be beneficial in creating content that resonates with its target audience.


One effective strategy for building editorial links is through guestographics. This tactic involves creating high-quality infographics and pitching them to relevant websites as a guest contribution.

To execute this strategy successfully, it's important to research potential targets thoroughly and personalize your outreach efforts to match their specific preferences and requirements.

By providing unique data and insights, you increase your chances of getting the infographic published on authoritative websites.

Influencer Outreach

Influencer outreach is a powerful link building strategy that involves reaching out to popular bloggers, industry experts, and social media influencers in your niche. By collaborating with these individuals, you can significantly improve your website's search engine rankings and traffic.

One way to identify potential influencers is by using tools like BuzzSumo or Followerwonk that allow you to search for relevant keywords and filter results by location, following size, and engagement metrics.

Once you've identified promising leads, reach out personally via email or direct message on social media platforms. Offer value such as an exclusive deal or product samples in exchange for coverage on their blog or social media channels.

Remember to be authentic and provide real value; forced promotions will do more harm than good.

The Moving Man Method

Another advanced strategy for building editorial links is the Moving Man Method. This technique involves finding websites that have recently moved, are no longer active or have shut down but still have live backlinks pointing to them.

Once you identify such sites, reach out to the webmasters and suggest a replacement link to your own site’s relevant content.

For instance, if you sell pet care products and find a broken link on a blog post reviewing pet foods that has now been removed, simply create an alternative resource page with well-researched information about healthy pet meals and then email the webmaster requesting they replace their existing link with yours instead.

Sponsored Content

Sponsored content is an effective way to build editorial links by collaborating with other websites and publications. This involves creating valuable content for a partner website, in exchange for a backlink that directs readers back to your own site.

Sponsored content can help reach a broader audience and improve brand visibility while building quality links. It's important to ensure that the sponsored content aligns with the partner website's niche and target audience, providing value to their readers while promoting your brand or product.

Some examples of sponsored content include guest posts, thought leadership articles, product reviews or tutorials.

According to recent surveys, 62% of marketers name sponsored content as one of their most successful link-building tactics they've employed (source). As with any advanced technique though it is essential first to understand what’s allowed and what isn't under Google Webmaster Guidelines before proceeding further.

Always prioritize relevance over quantity when evaluating opportunities for sponsorships since this will produce better results in terms of traffic and organic ranking improvements over time (source).

Measuring Success And Tracking Results

Learn about the essential tools for tracking editorial links and the metrics to accurately measure success in building quality backlinks. Discover how identifying and addressing negative or spammy backlinks can greatly improve your search engine rankings.

Tools For Tracking Editorial Links

One essential aspect of building editorial links is tracking their performance. Several tools can help in measuring success and evaluating the effectiveness of a link building campaign, such as Ahrefs, Moz Pro, Linkody, and SEMrush.

Moreover, these tools provide other valuable metrics for SEO analysis like domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA), which indicate the power and relevancy of incoming links related to Google's ranking algorithm.

Metrics To Measure Success

Measuring success is crucial for any advanced link building campaign as it helps in identifying strategies that work and those that don't. One metric to consider is the number of high-quality backlinks acquired, which indicates the effectiveness of outreach campaigns, guest posting, and resource page link building.

Another metric to consider is domain authority score - a rating given by search engines to websites based on their popularity or trustworthiness.

Page authority (PA) also plays a significant role in measuring success when it comes to link building. PA refers to how authoritative a particular webpage is relative to other pages and can be used as an indicator of whether you're targeting the right keywords with your content.

Lastly, tracking organic search traffic can help determine if you've been able to attract more visitors through relevant links built from guest blogging or unlinked brand mentions.

Identifying And Addressing Negative Or Spammy Backlinks

Identifying and addressing negative or spammy backlinks is crucial in maintaining a healthy link profile. Search engines can penalize sites that have too many low-quality links, hurting your website's rankings and traffic.

Once you've identified these negative links, it's important to address them promptly by either requesting the webmaster remove the link or using Google's disavow tool if removal is not possible.

Keeping an eye on your backlink profile regularly will help prevent harm from future negative links and improve your overall domain authority over time.


Building editorial links is crucial for businesses to boost their website ranking and traffic.

However, it's important to note that advanced link building requires a high level of expertise in SEO and copywriting.

To ensure success with advanced link building strategies, companies must measure their progress using tools such as Ahrefs or SEMrush while addressing any negative or spammy backlinks found during tracking.

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