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February 12, 2021

Crawlability and Indexability: The Foundations of Technical SEO

In today's highly competitive digital landscape, understanding the foundation of technical SEO is crucial for gaining an edge over your competitors. Crawlability and indexability are fundamental aspects that form the backbone of a successful technical SEO strategy, ensuring your website is easily discovered by search engines and ranked high in search results.

In this guide we'll take you through what crawlability and indexability are, their significance in the world of technical SEO, and actionable tips to optimize them.

Understanding Crawlability And Indexability

Crawlability refers to the ability of search engine bots to access and gather information from a website, while indexability refers to the inclusion of web pages in search engine indexes.

What Is Crawlability?

Crawlability is a crucial aspect of technical SEO, referring to the ability of a website to be accessed, explored, and analyzed by search engine bots known as crawlers or spiders.

These crawlers navigate their way through websites by following internal and external links in order to gather information about the site's content and structure.

For instance, imagine an online store selling unique home decorations with various pages dedicated to different types of products. If the site has poor crawlability due to broken internal links or blocked resources, search engine bots may not discover all product pages or may struggle to understand how these pages are connected.

Consequently, this could result in lower visibility for individual products within SERPs – impacting organic traffic and potential sales.

What Is Indexability?

Indexability refers to a website’s ability to be included in search engine indexes. In simple terms, when a website is crawled by search bots, the information on that site is gathered and analyzed for inclusion in search results.

If a website cannot be indexed, it will not show up in any relevant search queries. This means that potential customers may never find your products or services online, making indexability crucial for businesses looking to increase their visibility online.

What Are The Factors That Affect Both Crawlability And Indexability?

Several factors can determine the crawlability and indexability of a website. One of them is the website's URL structure, which should be clear and easy to navigate for both humans and search bots.

Another important factor is internal linking, where relevant links guide users towards related topics within the site.

In addition, having unique meta tags that describe every page's topic makes it easier for search engines to categorize each page accurately.

The Importance Of Crawlability And Indexability In Technical SEO

Optimizing crawlability and indexability is crucial for technical SEO success as it leads to improved website visibility and ranking, helps search engines understand website content, aids in identifying technical issues, and ultimately improves the user experience.

Improved Website Visibility And Ranking

Optimizing crawlability and indexability is vital if you want your website to rank high in search results. Increased visibility means more potential customers will find your products or services, leading to a boost in business growth.

One example of this is optimizing internal linking throughout your site. This interconnects pages within your website hierarchy using anchor texts, creating an effective pyramid structure for SEO crawling and page ranking.

Providing optimized meta tags and descriptions helps search bots better understand page content while also improving click-through rates from users who see these enriched snippets when viewing SERPs.

Helps Search Engines Understand Website Content

Optimizing crawlability and indexability helps search engines better understand your website's content. When search bots crawl a website, they gather information about its structure, content, and context.

By ensuring that your site is easy for bots to crawl and index, you can help them identify the most important pages on your site, which in turn improves their ability to rank those pages high in search results.

For example, let's say a business offers a variety of products or services across multiple pages on their site. If those pages aren't properly optimized for indexing, it could be difficult for bots to identify the most relevant page when someone searches for specific keywords related to that product or service.

Aids In Identifying Technical Issues

Optimizing crawlability and indexability is not only important for boosting website ranking but also aids in identifying technical issues. By ensuring that search engines can easily discover and access all the pages on your website, you are making it easier to identify any underlying problems that may be hindering your SEO efforts.

For instance, if search bots cannot crawl certain pages or encounter broken links, this could indicate a bigger issue with your website's structure or navigation.

Improves User Experience

Optimizing crawlability and indexability not only impacts a website's search traffic but also has significant benefits for user experience. When users can easily navigate a site and find the information they need quickly, it improves their overall experience.

Websites with broken links or confusing navigation can frustrate users, leading to high bounce rates and fewer potential customers.

Furthermore, improved crawlability leads to better discoverability of products/services offered by the business which makes it easy for the visitors to make purchase decisions based on what they saw in your listings/web page instead of clicking out of frustration because relevant details were difficult to find.

Tips For Optimizing Crawlability And Indexability

To optimize your website's crawlability and indexability, consider implementing strategies such as optimizing website structure and navigation, fixing broken links and 404 errors, using canonical tags, and utilizing meta tags and descriptions.

Optimizing Website Structure And Navigation

Optimizing website structure and navigation is crucial for improving crawlability and indexability. A well-structured website with intuitive navigation helps search engine bots easily find and index your pages.

You can achieve this by creating a clear pyramid-style hierarchy of your site, where the homepage sits at the top, followed by category pages, sub-category pages, and finally product or service pages.

In addition to this structural approach, including internal links between relevant pages on your site also improves crawlability and indexability.

Using Robots.txt And Sitemap Files

One of the fundamental strategies for optimizing crawlability and indexability is using robots.txt and sitemap files. Robots.txt is a text file that tells search bots which pages or sections of a website to exclude from crawling, while sitemap files inform search engines about the structure and hierarchy of a website's content.

For instance, if you have specific pages or sections of your site that you do not want to be indexed by search engines, such as test pages or draft posts, including them in your robots.txt file will prevent them from being crawled.

On the other hand, creating an XML sitemap with all the important URLs on your site can help ensure they get indexed correctly by Google Search Console.

Fixing Broken Links And 404 Errors

Fixing broken links and 404 errors is essential in optimizing crawlability and indexability. Broken links occur when a link leads to a non-existent page, resulting in a 404 error.

These issues can lead to poor user experience and negatively impact website ranking. To fix this issue, use tools such as Google Search Console to identify broken links and fix them by redirecting them to relevant pages or removing the link altogether.

Optimizing crawlability and indexability through fixing broken links not only improves technical SEO but also enhances user experience.

Using Canonical Tags

Canonical tags are a technical SEO element used to prevent duplicate content issues. It helps search engines understand which version of a page is the original and should be indexed.

For example, let's say you have an online store that sells shoes in different colors, but each color has its own product page. The product description on each page is identical except for the color name.

By using canonical tags correctly, you can improve your website's crawlability and indexability while avoiding penalties from Google for having duplicated content.

Utilizing Meta Tags And Descriptions

Another effective way to optimize crawlability and indexability is through the use of meta tags and descriptions. Meta tags provide valuable information to search engines about the content of a web page, while meta descriptions provide concise summaries that appear in search engine results pages (SERPs) below the page's title.

This helps both search engines and potential customers better understand what a webpage offers before even clicking on it.

Using relevant keywords in meta tags and descriptions can also improve a website's visibility by allowing it to rank higher for specific queries. For example, if a website provides digital marketing services, including "digital marketing" as one of its target keywords in meta tags and descriptions may help boost its ranking for related searches like "digital marketing agencies." It's important to note that while using relevant keywords is important, overstuffing them can lead to penalties from search engines.

Common Technical SEO Issues Related To Crawlability And Indexability

Broken links, slow site speed, incorrect HTTP response codes, and improper use of noindex tags are just a few common technical SEO issues that can greatly affect crawlability and indexability.

Broken Links And Redirects

Broken links and redirects can have a significant impact on the crawlability and indexability of a website. Broken links, also known as 404 errors, occur when a link on your website leads to a dead or non-existent page.

These errors can deter search engines from crawling and indexing pages of your site or decrease their ranking. On the other hand, redirecting URLs is crucial in cases where you need to change the URL structure of your website or merge two sites into one.

However, if not implemented correctly, redirects could lead to broken links that result in lower rankings for affected pages.

Slow Site Speed

Slow site speed is one of the most common technical SEO issues related to crawlability and indexability. Site speed refers to how fast a website loads when users access it, and it impacts user experience which can ultimately result in low search traffic and potential customers.

Slow site speed can be caused by several factors such as large image sizes, unoptimized code, bulky plugins or widgets, and poor hosting services. Google has declared that site speed is an essential ranking factor for websites since faster-loading sites provide a better user experience than slower ones.

According to research done by Google , over half of all visits are abandoned if the page takes more than 3 seconds to load. A slow loading time also reduces the number of pages search engine crawlers can index during their visitation period per day or week thus affecting the visibility of web documents in SERPs.

Incorrect HTTP Response Codes

One common technical issue related to crawlability and indexability is incorrect HTTP response codes. When a search engine bot crawls a website, it expects to receive certain HTTP status codes that indicate the health of the pages being crawled.

However, if there are any incorrect HTTP response codes, such as 404 errors or redirects, this can negatively affect the crawlability and indexing of a website.

To solve this issue, SEO specialists should regularly check their website for broken links and ensure that all redirects are properly set up with the correct HTTP status code.

Improper Use Of Noindex Tags

Noindex tags are put in place to tell search engines not to index certain pages or content on a website. While they can be useful, improper use of noindex tags can negatively impact crawlability and indexing.

Properly implementing noindex tags requires an understanding of what should and shouldn't be indexed on your site. Conducting an SEO audit and analyzing data from tools such as Google Search Console can help identify which pages need the tag.

Lastly, regularly reviewing website changes for unintended noindex tags is crucial to ensure optimal performance.


Crawlability and indexability are the foundation of technical SEO success. Without these two crucial components, search engines will not be able to understand your website's content and rank it accordingly.

By optimizing crawlability and indexability through strategies such as website structure optimization, using robots.txt and sitemap files, fixing broken links and utilizing canonicals tags, businesses can ensure their websites are easily discoverable by search bots which optimizes ranking potential.

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