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October 17, 2022

How to Optimize Images for Google Discover and Enhanced Visibility

In today's digital landscape, optimizing images for Google Discover is essential to enhance your content's visibility and drive user engagement. With high-quality visuals and best practices in mobile-friendliness, learn how to make the most of this search engine feature by improving your image optimization efforts.

This guide will walk you through the importance of image optimization for Google Discover, crucial techniques for better performance, and strategies to ensure enhanced visibility across multiple devices.

Why Image Optimization Is Important For Google Discover

Optimizing images for Google Discover is crucial to increase your content's visibility and engagement, as it improves user experience and can boost your search engine rankings.

Increased Visibility And Engagement

Increasing visibility and engagement on Google Discover is a critical goal for SEO specialists, as it directly impacts the overall success of their content marketing efforts.

By optimizing images for this platform, content creators have the opportunity to draw in users who are scrolling through their personalized feeds based on browsing history and interests.

A well-optimized image not only improves visibility but also enhances user engagement by creating a more immersive and enjoyable browsing experience. Research has shown that high-quality visuals significantly boost audience engagement rates compared to those without compelling imagery.

As mentioned earlier, Google reported a 5% increase in click rates when large images were featured on Discover cards.

Improved User Experience

Optimizing images for Google Discover can significantly improve user experience. High-quality visuals capture users' attention and make your content more engaging, leading to increased time spent on the page and reduced bounce rates.

Compressing images for faster loading times is an essential part of optimizing user experience as slow-loading pages can drive users away from your site. Descriptive file names and alt tags also help visually impaired users understand the image's content while enhancing its search engine optimization value.

Incorporating structured data markup not only helps with ranking but also enhances the way Google displays images in search results, making it easier for users to find them.

Boosted Search Engine Rankings

Optimizing images for Google Discover can boost your search engine rankings significantly. When you optimize images using high-quality visuals and descriptive alt tags, it sends a positive signal to search engines that your content is relevant and engaging.

Research by Google shows that incorporating large, high-quality images into your Discover cards can increase click rates by up to 5%. Moreover, when users engage with your image-rich content on mobile devices, it also signals to search engines that your website is mobile-friendly - another key factor in boosting SEO rankings.

Best Practices For Image Optimization

To optimize images for Google Discover, it is crucial to choose high-quality visuals and compress them for faster loading times; use descriptive file names and alt tags while also utilizing structured data markup.

Choosing High-quality Images

To optimize images for Google Discover, one of the best practices is to choose high-quality visuals that are relevant to your content. The images should be unique and visually appealing, as well as high-resolution to ensure optimal display on different devices.

It's essential to avoid using stock photos or generic images and opt for custom photography wherever possible.

According to a report by Google, articles with high-quality visuals received 94% more views than those without them. Using eye-catching graphics can make your content more appealing and increase user engagement, resulting in better visibility on Google Discover.

Compressing Images For Faster Loading Times

To improve your content's loading speed, compressing images is another essential best practice when optimizing for Google Discover. Large image files can result in long load times, which can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings.

To ensure faster loading times, consider using an image compression tool that reduces the file size without affecting the quality of the visuals.

According to Google, 53% of users abandon a page if it takes more than three seconds to load. Therefore, optimizing images for fast loading times should be a top priority when creating content for Google Discover.

Utilizing Descriptive File Names And Alt Tags

When optimizing images for Google Discover, it's crucial to pay attention to the file names and alt tags. Descriptive file names can help search engines understand the context of your image and improve its relevance in search results.

Alt tags are also essential for accessibility purposes, as they describe the content of an image for visually impaired users. Moreover, including relevant keywords in your alt text can improve your image's visibility on search engines.

It's important to keep these descriptions short and concise while making sure that they accurately reflect the contents of each image.

Structured Data Markup

Structured data markup involves providing additional information about your images to Google through a specific code format. This helps the search engine understand your imagery better, making it more likely that your visuals will appear in relevant search results and on Google Discover.

For example, if you have an image of a recipe dish in a blog post, using structured data markup like Recipe schema will help Google understand that it is an image related to food content.

Similarly, adding Product schema will inform the search engine that the image relates to product-specific content.

Strategies For Enhanced Image Visibility On Google Discover

To further improve image visibility on Google Discover, incorporating a mix of content, optimizing for mobile devices, avoiding copyright infringement, and testing performance are essential strategies that SEO specialists should consider.

Incorporating A Mix Of Content

Optimizing images is just one aspect of improving your content visibility on Google Discover. To really stand out, you'll need to build a well-rounded approach that incorporates text, images, and videos.

For example, if you're creating a blog post about traveling to Paris, don't just include photos of popular attractions like the Eiffel Tower. Adding text descriptions and videos featuring local cafes or hidden gems can make for a more engaging and informative experience for users.

Plus, including different types of media can help you rank higher in search results by giving Google's crawlers plenty of content to crawl through.

Optimizing For Mobile Devices

Optimizing for mobile devices is crucial when it comes to optimizing images for Google Discover. This includes making sure that your images are not only high-quality but also mobile-friendly.

To optimize for mobile devices, ensure that your images are compressed for faster loading times, and employ responsive design to adjust the image size based on the device's screen resolution.

Make sure that your alt tags accurately describe the image content in a concise way so that visually impaired users can understand what the image represents.

Avoiding Copyright Infringement

It is important to tread carefully when using images for content creation and optimization on Google Discover. Always ensure that the visuals are your original work or that you have obtained the necessary permissions to use them.

One way to avoid copyright infringement when creating image content is by using free stock photos from reliable sources like Unsplash, Pexels, or Pixabay. These platforms offer a wide variety of images that you can use freely without having to worry about any legal repercussions.

Always make sure to give proper credit for any images used in your content and include disclaimers where necessary.

Testing Image Optimization For Performance

To ensure that your image optimization efforts are achieving their intended results on Google Discover, it's essential to test the performance of your images regularly. This way, you can identify any improvements or tweaks needed to optimize for better visibility and engagement.

Another useful technique is multivariate testing, which involves testing multiple variables simultaneously. For example, you could test different image file types (JPEG vs PNG), resolutions (high definition vs standard definition), and alt text descriptions to see which combination yields the best results in terms of increased visibility and engagement.


Optimizing your images for Google Discover is not an option but a necessity. With increased visibility and engagement, improved user experience, and higher search engine rankings, image optimization plays a crucial role in your content marketing strategy.

By following best practices such as choosing high-quality visuals, compressing images for faster loading times, utilizing descriptive file names and alt tags, and incorporating structured data markup, you can enhance the visibility of your content on Google Discover feed.

Don't forget to test your image optimization strategies regularly to ensure optimal results. Keep up with traditional SEO best practices and incorporate mobile-friendly content to maximize audience engagement across different devices.

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