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September 16, 2023

The Impact of Google's BERT Update on SEO Strategies

In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization, staying ahead of Google's algorithm updates is crucial for digital marketers. The recent BERT update marks a significant shift in how Google processes natural language and serves results for conversational search queries.

As an SEO specialist or content marketer, understanding these changes and their impact on your strategies can be the difference between success and lost opportunities. In this guide we'll explore the implications of the BERT update on SEO practices and provide actionable insights to help you adapt your approach for better results.

Understanding Google's BERT Update

Google's BERT Update is an AI-based natural language processing algorithm update that improves the understanding of user intent for better search results.

What Is Natural Language Processing And BERT?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence and linguistics that focuses on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language.

In essence, NLP strives to bridge the gap between human communication and computer understanding.

Google's BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is an AI-based NLP model that offers groundbreaking improvement in search engine query processing.

Unlike its precursor algorithms, which analyzed words individually, BERT examines both context and intent by looking at each word within a sentence in relation to every other word surrounding it.

How BERT Improves Understanding Of User Intent

Google's BERT update is a significant improvement to their algorithm, primarily because it helps Google understand user intent better. Before the BERT update, Google relied on individual keywords or phrases to rank content in search results.

For instance, if someone searches for "how long does it take to bake a cake?" before the BERT update, Google may have displayed results that only included ways to bake cakes but not necessarily the duration.

With BERT's natural language processing capabilities, however, Google knows that "how long" refers to time and can deliver better-suited answers promptly.

Changes To Search Results

The BERT update significantly impacted how search results are displayed on Google. With the algorithm's improved understanding of user intent, search queries now yield more accurate and precise results.

This means that irrelevant content is filtered out, and only high-quality, relevant answers appear in top positions for specific longtail keywords. The SERP features such as featured snippets, knowledge graphs or carousels have become even more prominent as they help better answer complex user questions.

As a result, optimizing for semantic search and providing comprehensive content that meets user needs has become essential to rank well in organic search after the BERT update.

The Impact Of BERT On SEO Strategies

The BERT update has led to a shift towards high-quality content that focuses on long-tail keywords and optimized user experiences, with recovery strategies necessary for those negatively impacted by the update.

Importance Of High-quality Content

Creating high-quality and relevant content has always been a key aspect of successful SEO strategies, but with the BERT algorithm update, it's become even more critical. Previously, websites could rank well by stuffing their pages with keywords or relying on larger phrases while neglecting the actual quality and relevance of their content.

To optimize for BERT effectively, it is essential to create unique and engaging website copy that provides relevant information on topics your target audience cares about.

Your goal should be to create valuable content that answers users' questions effectively while providing context for search engines to understand the topic thoroughly.

Focus On Long-tail Keywords

After the BERT update, businesses will have to focus their SEO strategies on long-tail keywords. This means avoiding broad and generic terms and opting for more specific keyword phrases that relate directly to the content of a page.

For example, instead of targeting "shoes" as a keyword phrase, it would be better to use "running shoes for women with flat feet." These longer phrases target more specific user intent, making it easier to rank higher in search results.

Using long-tail keywords also helps businesses create relevant content that addresses specific user needs and provides value.

Optimizing For User Experience

Optimizing for user experience is more critical than ever after the BERT algorithm update. Google's focus on understanding intent and context means that creating content that meets users' needs is vital to rank high in search results.

To optimize for UX, you need to create relevant and engaging content that addresses specific user queries.

Another crucial aspect of optimizing for user experience is website design and functionality. Your website must be easy to navigate, load quickly across devices, and provide valuable information in an accessible format.

By focusing on UX optimization, you can improve your chances of ranking higher while delivering a positive customer experience that keeps them coming back.

Recovery Strategies After BERT Update

The BERT update can have a significant impact on websites' organic traffic and rankings. Recovering from this change requires reevaluating your SEO strategies to understand the areas where your site may be lacking in terms of content optimization, user experience, and on-page optimization.

With the new focus on natural language processing (NLP), it is essential to create high-quality content that answers specific search queries comprehensively. A vital step towards recovering from the BERT update involves reviewing your existing content and identifying areas that could benefit from more detailed information or additional context.

Practical Approaches To Optimize For BERT

To optimize for BERT, content creators should review and update existing content, conduct keyword research with BERT in mind, utilize structured data and schema markup, and optimize for featured snippets and voice search.

Review And Update Existing Content

To optimize for Google's BERT update, it is necessary to review and update existing content. This means going through your website and identifying pages that need improvement.

It may involve rewriting sentences or entire paragraphs to ensure they are specific enough to answer a search query.

In addition, reviewing and updating existing content can help you identify gaps in your SEO strategy. You may discover that some topics are already covered comprehensively but others require more attention or focus on long-tail keywords.

As Google evolves its algorithm over time, it's essential to have high-quality content that meets the latest requirements of effective SEO strategies.

Conduct Keyword Research With BERT In Mind

To optimize for the BERT update, it's important to conduct keyword research with a focus on natural language and long-tail phrases that reflect how people actually search.

This includes thinking about the context behind queries and considering user intent rather than just focusing on exact match keywords.

For example, instead of just targeting "best restaurants," consider longer phrases like "what are the best Italian restaurants near me?" or "where can I find vegan-friendly restaurants in [city]?" These types of specific long-tail keywords will help ensure that your content is relevant to what potential customers are looking for when they perform searches.

Utilize Structured Data And Schema Markup

Structured data and schema markup are essential tools that help webmasters communicate better with search engines. Implementing structured data on your website can provide context about the content, which helps Google understand what your page is all about.

For example, if you run an online store and want to display product ratings in Google search results, adding schema markup will make it easier for Google to identify and display this information.

Optimize For Featured Snippets And Voice Search

One of the ways to optimize for Google's BERT update is by focusing on featured snippets and voice search. Featured snippets are brief summaries of answers to a user's query that appear at the top of search results.

It is crucial to consider SEO strategies around creating content that can be easily featured in these snippets, as this enhances the chances of being prominently ranked in organic search results.

This means investing time in identifying queries commonly associated with one's business or industry and creating high-quality content that directly addresses those questions.

Voice search has been gaining traction over the years, and it’s rapidly becoming a standard mode for accessing information online. According to recent statistics, approximately 55% of teens and 40% of adults use voice search daily, which shows why optimizing for voice search is critical for SEO specialists post-BERT Update roll out.

By optimizing content around featured snippets and Voice Search brings great opportunities where we need our audience attention focused on scheduling customer acquisition retention on-call marketing methods towards better conversion rates post-BERT Update Rollout because it offers new ways access information quickly through spoken interactions rather than typing it out traditionally pre-voice-search era.


The BERT update, introduced by Google, revolutionizes natural language processing for better search results by understanding user intent more accurately.

This AI-based model analyzes context and intent within sentences, leading to more precise search results.

The update emphasizes high-quality content, long-tail keywords, and improved user experiences, necessitating adjustments in SEO strategies.

Recovery from any negative impact involves optimizing content, focusing on user intent in keyword research, utilizing structured data, and targeting featured snippets and voice search for better visibility. By aligning with BERT's focus on natural language understanding, content creators can enhance their chances of ranking well and providing valuable information to users.

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