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July 19, 2022

The Role of Infographics and Visual Content in Link Building

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, capturing your audience's attention is more challenging than ever. Enter infographics and visual content - powerful tools that can significantly enhance your link building strategies while boosting SEO performance.

This guide will delve into the role of infographics and visual content in link building, along with tips to harness their potential effectively.

The Power Of Visual Content In Link Building

Visual content, such as infographics, can significantly enhance link building efforts by captivating and engaging audiences, improving user experience, and increasing credibility and authority.

Captivating And Engaging Audiences

Visual content, particularly infographics, has the innate ability to captivate and engage audiences in ways that mere text cannot achieve. The combination of stunning visuals, concise information, and appealing design elements work together to create a powerful tool that grabs users' attention immediately.

Utilizing infographics as part of your link building strategy enables you to present complex data or concepts in a simplified manner by employing visually striking designs.

For example, consider an infographic displaying the growth of mobile internet usage over the past decade compared to that of desktop usage. By incorporating eye-catching colors and easy-to-understand graphics such as bar charts alongside minimal yet informative text captions, this type of content can effectively convey its message without overwhelming viewers with excessive data or jargon-filled paragraphs.

Enhancing User Experience

Visual content, especially infographics, can significantly enhance user experience when it comes to learning complex information or data. Infographics use a combination of charts, imagery, and minimal text to present data in a visually engaging way that keeps users interested and motivated.

By presenting information through clear visualizations, users are more likely to understand the content and retain the information presented.

In addition to improving understanding and retention rates for viewers, infographics also improve user experience by creating an aesthetically pleasing experience that is both easy on the eyes and easy to navigate.

This can be important for keeping users engaged with your website or content longer as they click around exploring different sections or pages.

Increasing Credibility And Authority

Visual content, such as infographics, can greatly increase a website's credibility and authority in its respective industry. By presenting reliable data in an engaging and visually appealing way, infographics can establish a brand or individual as an expert or thought leader.

For example, imagine a financial services company creating an infographic about the stock market trends of the past year. If this infographic is well-designed with accurate data sources and insights from experts in the field, it could be shared by major news outlets or finance blogs that are looking for reliable information to share with their audiences.

Advantages Of Infographics For Link Building

Using infographics for link building can simplify complex information, enhance backlinks and social media shares, and improve website traffic.

Simplifying Complex Information

Infographics are a great tool for simplifying complex information. They use charts, graphs, and visualizations to convey data in a way that is easy to understand.

For example, let's say you're trying to explain the causes of climate change. By using an infographic with charts and diagrams, you could illustrate the relationship between greenhouse gases and rising temperatures.

The advantage of this approach is that infographics can simplify complex information into something more digestible while still providing valuable insights. This makes them ideal for link building because they offer a unique value proposition that can attract high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites.

Enhancing Backlinks And Social Media Shares

One of the primary advantages of using infographics for link building is their ability to enhance backlinks and social media shares. When an infographic is well-designed and visually appealing, it's more likely to grab the attention of viewers and encourage them to share the content with others.

This can lead to a higher number of backlinks that come from authoritative websites, which in turn boosts your website's credibility and authority in search engine rankings.

Infographics are highly shareable on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram. By sharing your infographic across these channels or by submitting it to various directories like or Infographic Journal., you can reach wider audiences who may be interested in linking back to your website.

Improving Website Traffic

Infographics are a great tool for link building and can help improve website traffic significantly. By creating visually appealing graphics that simplify complex information, you can engage your viewers and increase the likelihood of social shares and backlinks to your site.

As more people share and link to your infographics, search engines start to recognize your website as an authority, which leads to better rankings in search results. Submitting your infographics to relevant directories and reaching out to websites or blogs that may be interested in sharing them can drive even more traffic to your site.

Tips For Creating And Promoting Effective Infographics

To create and promote effective infographics, it is important to identify a relevant and compelling topic, use reliable data and sources, design visually appealing graphics, optimize for SEO with alt tags and descriptions, and submit to infographic directories while reaching out to relevant websites.

Identifying A Relevant And Compelling Topic

One of the most crucial aspects of creating an effective infographic for link building is identifying a relevant and compelling topic. The goal is to choose a subject that would be both informative and interesting to your target audience while also being directly related to your brand or industry.

For instance, if you're in the health food industry, you might create an infographic about "the benefits of eating organic foods." Or, if you're in education technology (edtech), you can create an infographic titled "The Future Of Online Learning: What It Holds For Educators And Students".

By covering subjects like these through infographics will draw interest from readers who are also keen on learning about the latest trends and findings in their respective fields.

Using Reliable Data And Sources

To make an effective infographic, using reliable data and sources is crucial. It helps build trust with the audience and establishes authority in the industry. Using outdated data or unreliable sources can undermine the credibility of your content, leading to negative consequences like fewer backlinks or low engagement rates.

One way to ensure that your data and sources are accurate is by conducting thorough research. Look for authoritative websites, primary sources, and government publications to gather relevant information that supports your main topic.

It's important to fact-check all the data you collect before including it in your infographic.

Designing Visually Appealing Graphics

One of the most critical aspects of creating effective infographics for link building is designing visually appealing graphics. The imagery used in an infographic should be unique, eye-catching, and relevant to the topic being discussed.

It's essential to use colors that complement each other and typography that is easy to read.

It's also important to ensure that visuals are consistent throughout the infographic, which helps maintain a cohesive look and feel. Using visual hierarchy, such as larger images or bolded text for more critical information can help guide readers through the content effectively.

Optimizing For SEO With Alt Tags And Descriptions

Optimizing infographics for SEO involves more than just creating visually stunning graphics. Alt tags and descriptions play a crucial role in improving the visibility of your content on search engines like Google.

When writing alt tags, use descriptive keywords that summarize the graphic's main topic, making it easier for search engine algorithms to understand what the infographic is all about.

Including relevant keywords in titles and descriptions can boost SEO rankings as well.

In fact, studies show that properly optimized alt tags can increase organic traffic to web pages by up to 12%.

Submitting To Infographic Directories And Reaching Out To Relevant Websites

One effective way to promote your infographic and build backlinks is by submitting it to infographic directories. These directories allow you to share your visual content with a wider audience, increasing its visibility and the likelihood of earning editorial links from relevant websites.

Another method for promoting your infographic is through manual outreach to relevant websites in your niche. Look for blogs or news sites that regularly publish content related to your topic and reach out with a personalized message introducing your infographic as a valuable piece of information that their readers might enjoy.

Remember to optimize the alt tags and descriptions on each submission or outreach email so that search engines can easily identify what the image is about.

Other Forms Of Visual Content For Link Building

Other forms of visual content, such as videos, GIFs, memes, and interactive content can also be effective in link building by providing shareable and engaging material that boosts user experience and increases backlinks.


Like infographics, videos are a powerful tool for link building and can improve your website's SEO. Videos can engage audiences through visual storytelling and provide an interactive experience that helps keep viewers on your site longer.

With the rise of social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, video content is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways for businesses to connect with their target audience.

Studies show that incorporating videos into your SEO strategy can lead to improved search engine rankings and increased organic traffic to your website. In fact, video content is more likely to appear in search results than other types of content.

Creating engaging and informative videos doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming either; there are many DIY tools available online that make it easy for even novices to create professional-looking videos.


Along with infographics, other forms of visual content that can be used for link building include GIFs. These short-form videos are perfect for social media and can help boost engagement rates as they are visually appealing and easily shareable.

One advantage of using GIFs is that they can quickly convey a message without the need for lengthy explanations. Another benefit of utilizing GIFs is increased traffic to your website, as well as potential backlinks from social media sharing.

Companies like Buzzfeed have made great use of this form of content, creating lists featuring entertaining or informative GIFS related to various subjects such as pop culture or news events.


Memes are a popular form of visual content that can be used in link building. Memes are images, videos or text posts that humorously present cultural ideas and trends. When done properly, memes have the potential to go viral on social media platforms, earning high-quality editorial links and significant traffic.

Memes often use humor and relatable themes to engage audiences quickly, making them ideal for brands looking to increase their online visibility or strengthen their brand awareness.

However, it is important to note that creating the perfect meme takes strategy and skill. A poorly executed meme can backfire resulting in negative publicity or poor ranking signals from search engines.

Interactive Content

Interactive content has become an increasingly popular form of visual content for link building. This type of content includes quizzes, surveys, polls, and interactive infographics.

Interactive content engages audiences in a unique way by allowing them to participate actively rather than just passively consuming the information.

For example, a company that sells coffee might create an interactive quiz that helps users determine which type of coffee best suits their personality. Not only is this fun and engaging for the user, but it also promotes the brand's products in an organic way.

Since these types of interactive experiences are shareable on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, they can generate even more exposure for your content and brand.


In today's digital age, visual content has become a vital aspect of building high-quality links and boosting SEO. Infographics, in particular, have proven to be very effective in simplifying complex information, enhancing backlinks and social media shares, and improving website traffic.

Creating visually appealing graphics with reliable data and sources while optimizing for SEO with alt tags and descriptions can lead to great success. Other forms of visual content such as videos or interactive content can also play a significant role in link building.

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